Hello everybody!
After long time on my blog as last years is usual for me :) , lately I was
sharing some video tutorial how to sketch, do photoshops, or ...
Zahrat en Mada'en (kurt remix)
download wave
*Zahrat en Mada'en is written by the Lebanese poet, *
*writer, playwright and linguistic reformer Said Akl *
*on music by the Rahbani ...
IDD 13 anos
Hoje este blog completa 13 anos, um pouco esquecido e sem muitas
postagens, mas ainda continuo na área, alguns projetos se tornando
realidade e outros ...
Memories from worldwide premiere of Aurus Senat at GIMS. This is my first
production car I participated in. Very proud for the whole our team, happy
to be ...
Once again, congratulations to the entire team for the great work on such
an important project for the company. I had the opportunity to contribute
SketchWars Entry - Motorcycle Concept
Had some fun this week sketching motorcycles for the Sketchwars entry this
week. If you haven't already, check out the group on Facebook!
FIAT TIPO 5 Porte, 2016
Couple of months ago I had a chance to see result of our common effort in
Geneva Motorshow 2016.
I'm very glad and grateful for the opportunity to be...
Luciano Bove's blog soon to become a website!
image via Crosby Designs
Dear friends good news!
The time has come for a brand new website! Yes *"Luciano Bove"* will soon
change from a blog format to ...
Results (2015) Online Streaming
Release Results in High Definition Format. Now you can play full Results in
HD format with duration 105 Min and was published in 2015-05-29 with MPAA
Ducati One Off
A quick Project for a Ducati One Off Bike.
It's basically a fusion between a sports bike, a naked and a cafè racer.
It's based on a Ducati Panigale.
stuff with wings - slightly updated
Hello out there. Still beeing kind of lazy with designing stuff in my
freetime, some ideas floating around (like always) but somehow not
motivated enough t...
SCX - prototype - finished
*Hallo Guys!*
*So after 3 years in development SCX is finished. *
*Designed and surfaced by myself in the 1st year of my postgraduate studies
in London. A...
Hello there!
It's been quite some time since I posted something up here, so I figured
it's time
to give you guys a little bit of an update (guess, this i...
Lada Xray 2 [production car]
Our production car of LADA brand was recently unveiled on September 2014 in
Moscow. I am really glad to see the result of long period its creation from ...
2014 BMW X5 M By Fostla.De In Detail
We appreciate the fact that Fostla prepared a comprehensive upgrade for the
X5, but it’s hard to notice them all when all that red is staring you in
the fa...
Faxless payday loans
Payday loans are a fast and reliable way to get the cash advance before the
next pay day. When there is a requirement for emergency cash and cannot
wait un...
Antti Savio.
Just wanted to share this link to a good friend of mine - Antti is one of
the most amazing automotive sketchmachines i've ever met.
latest 2032 hot rod images
Here are a few more images from my 2032 hot rod project. All modeled and
rendered in MODO with post weathering and tweaks done in Photoshop.
*Hey fellas! *
* I won't use this blog anymore. *
*All new works will be published on*
* a**nd the new blog will be *
Mascarello Roma 310
Here´s the selected front design proposal sketch for the mid-size bus
Mascarello Roma 310. You can check out the production vehicle below.
I´m waiting fo...
A bunch of stuff !!
Im gonna post a few renderings made in the college, for a work. First we
have 2 rings and then a bunch of products. The second i made just training
my mark...
Child-like Design Aspirations
Here is a collection of sketches I've done for my nieces and nephews. These
are a great way to break out and have fun with color, proportion, and
general ...
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